© 2025
The Barnabas Center
Growing Up Peaceful: Holding, Helping
and Empowering Your Anxious Child
During our time we will look at different ways kids express anxiety to their parents. We will also look at how our reaction to their anxiety can be similar to how we handle our own fears. The hope of this seminar is to wake us to an awareness of how we deal with our own anxiety so that we can be intentional in helping shepherd our kids through theirs. We will look at how to take anxious protests seriously, how to help ground a child who is overwhelmed, and how to help them “disobey” worrisome thinking. You will receive practical tools as well as spiritual encouragement to rest in what God is doing through your child’s struggle.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 from 6:30-9:00pm
Led by Meredith Spatola, LPCS
Registration is $50 per person.
Registration closes Monday, October 21, 2019.
Space is limited so sign up today! We hope to see you there!
Click here for more info or to register.
Please contact Jamie Swartzendruber with
any questions: