old painting new frame

Two summers ago I took my first trip to Europe with two dear friends.  We planned out our 7-day itinerary well in advance with plans to visit some of the most sought-out places in Scotland.  After an overnight flight—during which we tried to sleep with our foreheads pressed against the headrest in front of us—we hit the ground running in Edinburgh.  I normally spend my days in a town of 10,000 so most cities feel like a booming metropolis to me, but Edinburgh was particularly dense.  Dense in population, sure,… Continue reading old painting new frame

same size

My family and I have spent the last 21 years living in the small town of Mount Airy, known to some as Mayberry from The Andy Griffith Show.  When I moved here as a wide-eyed 23-year-old newlywed, I’ll confess I turned my nose up at many of its small-town ways. I missed strip malls and chain restaurants. I pined for sprawling suburbia in the way a health food convert longs for Hamburger Helper. Much has changed over two decades and my affection for this place I call home has grown… Continue reading same size

affected but unflinching

I have described our son, Baker, as a “big feeler” for as long as I can remember.  When he was little, this looked mostly like intense frustration when he couldn’t turn the page of a book or get the blocks to stack high enough.  But as he’s gotten older it looks more like reliving the day’s events right alongside of him.  He played flag football this year and it has been a bright spot during a strange season as we lined the chain link fences on warm fall nights, cheering… Continue reading affected but unflinching