what makes you feel like you?

For me, it’s going on a long walk in nature or in the city, spending time with my husband and daughter, or playing the piano. How do you know when you need to seek this out, the feeling of being at peace in your mind and body? I know I’m past due for some intentional rest when I’m short with my husband, isolating myself from friends, or being dysregulated by a small inconvenience. I also feel it in my body, the classic signs of stress such as tight chest/shoulders, lacking… Continue reading what makes you feel like you?

invitation to stay

In the past 15 years, I’ve lived in 11 different homes in 5 different cities. This has all been since I moved out of my parents’ house when I was eighteen and left for undergrad. If you do the math, this means I’ve moved almost every year with a few exceptions. Each move blends together in my memory, and yet each home represents a distinctive season. In almost every year there was packing, saying goodbye to a space, saying hello to a new one, and settling in as quickly as… Continue reading invitation to stay

if only…

Seven months ago, my husband Jon and I became parents for the first time. Welcoming our daughter into our family has truly been the most lovely and meaningful thing we’ve ever done. She is full of joy and wonder, and now we can’t imagine our lives without her! At the same time, this has been the most intense seven months of our lives; nothing could have prepared us for the identity shift and lifestyle changes that having a baby would entail. Pre-baby, Jon and I had ample time to connect… Continue reading if only…

admitting desire

I love taking walks around my neighborhood any time of year, but springtime might be my favorite. This time of year, everyday there are changes to the trees, flowers, and grass. New blooms show up, barren trees become new and green again, and fresh bright hues remind me that the world is colorful. There is something about it that causes me to slow down, pay attention, and recognize the beauty in front of me. Desire and hope are brought to life in my own soul, each time I get to… Continue reading admitting desire