epic fail

This week I was teaching a favorite and very familiar passage, the restoration of the apostle Peter in John 21 where the resurrected Jesus asks Peter three times if Peter loves Him.  Three times, just like Peter’s three denials in Caiaphas’ courtyard while Jesus was being tried and beaten.  Three times, as if Jesus is pushing Peter’s face into his failure and the shame of it. Peter had a pretty bad night that Thursday night before Jesus’ death.  First, he initially rejected Jesus’ offer to wash his feet.  Then he… Continue reading epic fail

will love be bigger than politics?

So here we are again! We have already had the first series of debates. The Iowa caucus is in just five months. Ugh!! This season seems like it will last forever! The former President leads in the polls and is facing four different indictments. The current President is older and his son is accused of lots of shady dealings. The troops rally on both sides, defending and attacking. Both sides accuse the other of lying, of politics 😊, of making up facts or cherry-picking facts that support their candidate. And… Continue reading will love be bigger than politics?

Christmas Ambivalence

I hate feeling ambivalent at Christmas.  It makes me see myself in an almost Grinch-like way.  I see and can almost taste the joy in the Season.  From the bright lights to the decorative trees to festive parties to lots of good food, there is so much external stimuli that shouts joy.  From the “sales” in stores to the carefully chosen presents to the perpetually playing Christmas music, our world shouts joy and gladness. And then there are the family hopes and dreams.  So many commercials with scenes of laughing,… Continue reading Christmas Ambivalence

anxiety fills the air part 2

Since I finished my last blog on anxiety, I have had two more opinions come across my desk that have provoked me.  Just today I read a devotional that really induced anxiety.  It said, “My children tend to accept worry as an inescapable fact of life.  However, worry is a form of unbelief.  It is anathema to me.” Now most of the time I really enjoy this devotional, but I felt kind of gobsmacked by those words.  It seems to me that the author is missing the non-volitional part of… Continue reading anxiety fills the air part 2

anxiety is in the air

There are seasons when I find myself more anxious than usual.  Sometimes they come from one big in-my-face burden.  Other times, it feels like I am surrounded by multiple, smaller burdens.  Either way, uncertainty rules the day.  Bad outcomes seem more possible, if not inevitable, and I experience powerlessness in fresh new ways.  I feel fear, some sense of sadness.  Life looms darker than normal.  It feels like I can’t control anything.  I hate those seasons, don’t you? I don’t think any of us choose to be anxious.  There is no… Continue reading anxiety is in the air

a good friday thought

Good Friday and Easter are right around the corner.  The gospel of John tells us that Jesus was hanging out in a small town 10-20 miles north of Jerusalem for the month or so prior to Passover.  He had raised Lazarus from the dead and that had stirred up a hornet’s nest.  And the hornets wanted Jesus to be dead.  But His time had not yet come. But the Friday before Passover, He made His way back to Bethany knowing it was time: time for His death.  Recently I have… Continue reading a good friday thought

a different kingdom

For the last several years, I have taken a deep dive into the events of the last week of Christ’s life.  Over 25% of the gospels are focused there.  I realized that I have, by and large, jumped from Palm Sunday to Good Friday to Easter, and an awful lot went on that week! Recently, I was looking at the series of “trials” that Jesus went through on His last night.  After His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was brought before Annas (the former High Priest), and then… Continue reading a different kingdom

what might loving those we disagree with look like?

I have some pretty strong opinions.  I feel like I am reasonably bright.  I read a good amount.  I watch the news.  I stay up-to-date. Now, I don’t read as much as some.  I’m sure not the smartest guy in the room.  But I am pretty thoughtful. I’ll bet you think of yourself the same way.  Huh?  Is that true? And what do we do, you and I, when we have disagreements?  What do we do when our views on masks or vaccines or politics or church not only don’t… Continue reading what might loving those we disagree with look like?

love means being excited about being sorry

When you are caught or confronted, what do you feel? Shame?  Exposed?  Fearful?  Defensive? What’s the first thing you want to do? Hide?  Defend?  Counterattack?  Justify? When someone accuses you of some kind of failure – critical words, judgement, thoughtlessness, being mean – are you surprised? Do you live with some unadmitted sense that you could and should live life perfectly, faultlessly? I absolutely hate being confronted.  I work really hard to do life “right.”  But—surprise, surprise—I am almost always caught off guard by my failures. I had a dream… Continue reading love means being excited about being sorry

does jesus matter more than politics?

In my last post, I bemoaned my own irritability that flares so easily in this current cultural environment.  Even civil conversations now seem to have an edge.  Whether we are discussing masks or vaccines, politics or specific cultural issues of the day, the tone seems to be more adversarial than ever.  It’s not just that I think I am right, but that I think you are stupid.  It’s not just that I think you are ill-informed, I think you are being duped.  Surely no one with a brain could think… Continue reading does jesus matter more than politics?