two directions
When he addressed the people of Israel on Mount Carmel, Elijah posed a potent question: “How long will you waver in two directions? If the Lord is God follow Him; if Baal, follow him!”
I don’t know about the Baal part, but I sure resonate with the two directions. I watch TV and see terrifying scenes in New York. I hear horror stories about the lack of necessary PPE (personal protective equipment, which I had never heard of until two weeks ago) and fearful anticipation about new “hot spots.” But then I read that the predictions about deaths in NC have dropped significantly. I don’t know anyone who is sick, but Dr. Fauci reminds us that we cannot ease our vigilance. “Social distancing” is what will keep this from restarting. So when will that end? Is it getting better or worse? Will Charlotte be like New York?
I want to be wise, but I don’t want to live in fear. I want to respond to events as they change (and have gotten a little better) but I sure don’t want to presume about the future. Part of me is scared of getting sick; I know I fit the demographic, age-wise. But I feel pretty healthy. Then I see very healthy people who have died – younger, more athletic, etc. And I don’t want to infect someone else. And I now know that I can’t even know if I have it. (“Asymptomatic” is a new word for me, too.) So do I “social distance” from Lynne? I even heard animals might be able to get it (although it was a tiger, and I don’t know many of those!).
How long will I waver in two directions? I really want to follow the Lord, but sometimes I am not sure which is God and which is Baal or if, in fact, the choice is that clear. I want to do this right, but man, is it hard!
Years ago, St. Augustine said “Love God and do as you please.” That’s kind of where I have landed. Lord, I want to love you. I am going to spend time with you and then, best I can, I will do what feels right. And that, I think, is making a good choice. (But I just don’t know for sure! ☺)

Palmer Trice is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He is married to Lynne, has three children and has been in Charlotte since 1979. In his spare time, Palmer enjoys golf, tennis, walking and reading.