Shalom at Advent

“Come, Thou long expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free. From our fears and sins, release us; let us find our rest in thee.” Charles Wesley This fall I had the chance to retreat with friends to the mountains of North Carolina.  We ate good food, visited, laughed and I, for one, was able to deeply rest.  We sat under the teaching of a winsome woman who asked us to remember and to watch for Jesus’ presence in our current days. Our first task was to  remember a picture… Continue reading Shalom at Advent

Labor Plan

“Yeah, you might just want to go ahead and tuck that away somewhere; we rarely use birth plans here, and I think you’ll find that things tend to not go like you have planned on them going.” These were the words of my kind, but weary nurse.  It was 10pm, Wednesday night, and I had been experiencing significant back labor pains since 5pm on Tuesday.  I had been laboring at home for over a day, and now was at the hospital. “Could I have misheard her?” I wondered, sure that… Continue reading Labor Plan