Resolved: Three Confessions

I made a 2013 New Year’s Resolution. Every day, I am going to make 3 confessions. They aren’t all confessions of sin, but they are all confessions of truth. I am following Jesus’ words: “the truth shall set you free.” — — So every morning, I will make these 3 confessions of truth: 1.    I Will Remember My Name. 2.    I Will Confess My Attitude. 3.    I Will Name The Day. I want to be free. But I see that I am not. I’ve entangled myself in all sorts of… Continue reading Resolved: Three Confessions

A Shepherd with Shades

If I had been a shepherd – out in my field, keeping watch over my flocks by night – I think I would have been a different kind of shepherd. For example, I would have been wearing sunglasses. I would have been a certain cool shepherd. That way, when the glory of The Lord shone around, I would have been prepared. The King James Version describes those shepherds as ‘sore afraid’. But not me, with my darkened eyes, I would have been, ‘sure of myself’.  Those other shepherds were caught… Continue reading A Shepherd with Shades

Gratitude Assignment

Gratitude Assignment: Pick one of the five gratitude quotes from the list below and rewrite it in your own words – with your own gratitude.  If you’d like, share it in the comments. “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” – GK Chesterton “Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh “In normal life we hardly realize how much more we receive… Continue reading Gratitude Assignment

Gratitude – Ordinary as Legs

“When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?”               G.K. Chesterton             I experience gratitude most often because something extraordinary happens. For example, when I narrowly escape an automobile accident.  Or perhaps when I receive a surprise check or when a friend offers unexpected encouragement. I am filled with sense of well-being, I smile and move on. But there is a deeper experience of gratitude. The first type occurs when… Continue reading Gratitude – Ordinary as Legs

Brown Spots

A brown spot, about the size of a quarter, appeared one day on our bathroom wall. Water was seeping past the shower curtain, causing a problem. My wife seemed to think I should do something. “It’s squishy,” she said, testing it with her thumb. “Don’t!” I advised, “That’ll just make it worse.” She commented that it seemed to be getting worse all by itself. “Yeah, well…” I said, as I left the bathroom. But the brown spot didn’t go away. It didn’t fade, dry up, or heal on its own.… Continue reading Brown Spots

Redemption Is Near

I’ve always thought of redemption as something far, far away. Someday, somewhere – things will be made right. The broken bone of the universe will be set. Someday I will wake up and remember who I am. Maybe then,  I will stop trying so hard to prove myself.  Finally,  free from resentment and insecurity, I’ll touch… really touch this beautiful world. But all that is far away. Somewhere over the rainbow. Sometime after history. If someone can experience redemption now, they are the really heroic ones – someone who completes… Continue reading Redemption Is Near