© 2025
The Barnabas Center
The Quest: Life-Changing Adventures for Men
“The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” Psalm 19:1
Do you want an experience that leads to change? Come encounter God and face challenges in nature with a band of brothers! Sleep under the stars and hike rugged trails. Discover the awe-inspiring beauty and grandeur of the wilderness in North Carolina. Explore, discover, risk, listen and get away…
Bring a buddy with you or a group of friends or come alone. Sign up now! No previous experience needed. Good health required. Can be physically challenging.
The Quest experience begins at a required initial meeting
that will take place about two weeks prior to departure.
If you aren’t able to make arrangements to attend that meeting please have a conversation
with Pete Bondy in order to consider moving the meeting or coming up with an alternative.
We don’t want you to miss out on this crucial beginning of your Quest Adventure.
Cost: $150/person
Details about the Quest Weekend are:
Where: Our destination will be Linville Gorge, NC.
How: We meet at The Barnabas Center early Friday morning and carpool together. The return to Charlotte is expected early Sunday evening.
What: Bring gear for backpacking, clothing, Bible, journal and an open heart. The Quest ministry has some gear to loan, and we help men borrow or rent other gear they’ll need.
Description: This is a 3 day adventure that transforms men’s lives. It invites men to challenge, fun and growth. It’s comprised of a group process designed to help us slow down, create space to listen to our hearts and stir them toward growing friendships and deepening our awareness of our need for God. We hike in and pitch tents for our camp together. The challenge activities for the weekend are designed in consideration of the participants’ goals and the inevitable limitations that are presented by terrain, weather and personal capabilities.
Explore: Please check out our blog, where Carl Christenson shared about his experience on one of these weekends:
“Once you commit to something risky and bold, life unfolds with increasing richness and wonder.” – Peter Heller